Top Four Items for Breastfeeding Moms

By: Katie Coyne, MS, IBCLC


Remember when a certain celebrity mom (whose name rhymes with Lake Ively) revealed the contents of her purse? Everyone was shocked that she had a baby bottle nipple in her bag – everyone except new moms, that is. In partnership with Stork Maternity Consulting, we’ve put together a list of items that all you new moms should have in your bags, if you don’t already. 

blake lively's purse with mimijumi

1. A breast pump! Since all health insurance providers are including breast pumps in their services, reach out to your plan prenatally. Ask when you can receive your pump. There are so many wonderful pumps on the market—if you have any questions about the breast pumps your health insurance provides, ask a local IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant).

Author recommendation: If you are going back to work or school, or plan to be separated from your baby during feedings, you will need a good double electric breast pump.

double breast pump-must have for new moms

Item shown above: Ardo Calypso Double Plus Electric Breastpump

2. Gel pads. These guys can be lifesavers for sore nipples. It is normal in the beginning for your nipples to be a little sore -- they aren’t used to overstimulation. The gel pads are placed over your nipples after nursing and provide much-needed relief. You can even put them in the refrigerator -- the extra cooling effect makes it so much better!

Gel pads-must have for new moms 

Item shown above: Pariday TendHer Pillows and Pillowcases

3. Coconut oil. Coconut oil hasn’t received the official blessing in the lactation world, but it is used as an ointment in burn victims. Because it is antibacterial and antifungal, it is a great alternative to lanolin, helping with sore nipples and preventing infection if there is a break in your skin. 

coconut oil pain relief


 4. A good bottle. Typically, a bottle with a wide base encourages your baby to open wide, similar to being on the breast. It can be tricky to find the bottle with a flow rate that matches your baby’s preferences. You’ll want to start with a bottle with a slow flow or no flow (baby controls the flow). Look up videos on “paced bottle feeding” for even more tips on how to mimic what happens at the breast while using a bottle. 

Author recommendation: Stork Maternity Consulting regularly suggests mimijumi bottles. The mimijumi bottle allows your baby to control the flow rate naturally so the feeding experience is just like breastfeeding.

mimijumi bottle

Item shown above: mimijumi 8oz baby bottles

We’ve reached the end of this partnership series Breastfeeding Questions Answered with Stork Maternity Consulting. In part I, Katie Coyne answered the most common questions that she gets about breastfeeding.  Then in part II, we debunked myths about milk production and gave you the facts. If you haven’t already checked out those articles, do so now!  You could find the answers to breastfeeding questions you never knew you had.

Do you have more questions that went unanswered?  We’d love to help! Just email your breastfeeding questions to or post your comments below, and we’ll get you answers straight from our network of moms and professionals.

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